Having a hobby for Ping Pong speaks for itself. You would never let your Ping Pong gears go out-of-order. You would want to keep them shiny as new always, the same way you keep your favourite vehicle. But, everything materialistic is inevitable to wear out someday or the other. It’s the same with this Ping Pong equipment of yours. They will get old and wear-off one day. You cannot help this, but what you can do is to try your best to keep them new. Clean them on regular intervals keep them covered when not in use and keep replacing the rubber whenever required. Cleaning the paddle is simple, only if you know the proper way to do it. Keep walking down the article to know more about it.
Ping Pong rubbers can collect dust, dirt, powder from balls, hair, sweat, anything in a single game interval. When too much dust and grime accumulate on your rubbers, they begin losing grip. The Ping Pong ball will begin slipping off the paddle and you will have trouble generating spins.
The best (and, cheapest) way to clean your paddle is with water and sponge (kitchen cloth would also do the job). Dab the sponge in clean water and rub it across the paddle with a light hand. Do not hold too much water in the sponge and avoid rubbing the paddle vigorously.
Just a little water would do the job!
The market has an ample number of biological spray products that help cleaning the paddle. Get to your local sports store and ask for one. Once you have it, all you need to do is to spray a little amount of the spray all over the paddle and clean it off with a sponge. Again, you must not rub it vigorously. Also, you do not need to do this every day. Keep the water-cleaning for a regular basis and the biological-spray one for the weekends. Once a week of the organic spray cleaning is more than enough for your paddle’s health. We Give Best Tips And Tricks About Ping Pong Blog Visit Our Ping Pong Beast .
Another effective way to clean your paddle is to use alcohol for it. The process remains the same, sponge dabbing and cleaning (you can also use a spray bottle). But like the biological spray, this process is not for everyday use. Over-use of alcohol in the paddle would degrade the rubber over time and result in its wearing off real soon.
Baking soda has been long known for being an awesome stain and odour-fighter. Playing with the Ping Pong paddle makes it prone to accumulate dust and sweat in the surface. A baking soda paste can be used from time to time to clean off dust, stains and sweat-smell from the paddle. Like a couple of product mentioned above, baking soda is also not for regular use. Over-use of baking soda can make the paddle rubber dry and lead to wearing it off. Use it once in a while and keep your paddle healthy.
There are a number of other ways to clean your Ping Pong paddle, and the market is flooded with products to help you clean, but according to us, the home-made or natural ways are the best of it all. You can also get a rubber protector or a paddle case to keep the paddle covered when not in use. Precautions always go a long way. Keep your paddle and your game healthy always!